Crypto Exploration
The direction and strength of trajectory,
toward broad adoption of digital currency payment solutions, is undeniably positive.
Cryptocurrency adoption will reach saturation quicker than many other disruptive technologies, because of its monetary incentives to adopt, and its convenience
& efficiency-related incentives.
Cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, CBDC's and NFT's, we help you understand the differences, and how you may apply them to your business.
Crypto Implementation
Of the businesses surveyed that are already accepting crypto payments, 93% have reported a positive impact on their customer metrics.
The most common reasons these businesses gave for adopting crypto payments were:
Increasing their customer base
Improving their customer experience
Perception of being a "cutting edge" brand
The improvements in the Point-of-Sale and checkout technology solutions are providing improved customer experiences and eliminating chargebacks.
Crypto Management
The first question that you will need to answer as a business owner, is whether or not you want to hold crypto assets in your business.
Whether you choose to convert the crypto assets to fiat immediately, or
prefer to hold all or some of it on your books,
we will explain crypto custody solutions,
along with multi-sig and hardware wallet
set up and use.
The potential long-term appreciation,
and the ability to earn additional revenue
on idle assets through DeFI are strong considerations for keeping crypto on your balance sheet.
Data references for quoted market statistics are:
Cointelegraph Research Report - How Businesses Can Accept Cryptocurrency (July 2022)
- and Bitpay Report - Paying With Cryptocurrencies. What Consumers And Merchants Expect From Digital Currencies (June 2022)